An Unsavory Partnership? You Decide

by Anna Cooke

There’s a Trojan Horse rolling into the Tampa Bay Area. Who’s being used to hide behind whom is yet to be determined. Being open-minded and having frank discussions on out-of-the-box ideas and strategies are good tools to have in the animal shelter world.

The SPCA Tampa Bay is about to launch For All Dogs, a pilot program that involves a partnership with Sunshine Puppies (a retail store that sells puppies in the Tampa Bay Area) and Pinnacle Pet (one of the largest brokers of puppies in the country). In fact, after a year of discussions between the three entities, the partnership has already essentially been consummated. Earlier, this year, several retired breeder dogs were imported from commercial breeding enterprises (CBEs) in the Midwest to the SPCA Tampa Bay for adoption purposes.

Not everyone wants to adopt a shelter dog. Some people want a specific breed, others want a puppy. When that’s the case, through the partnership’s program, SPCA Tampa Bay will direct shelter visitors to Sunshine Puppies to purchase a puppy. In turn, Sunshine Puppies is planning to place kiosks in their two Pinellas County store locations that will feature the adoptable dogs at the SPCA Tampa Bay.

The partnership came about after the Pinellas County Commission voted to prohibit any new stores from selling puppies and kittens in June, 2022. The commission did not grant animal advocates’ pleas to shutter the six existing stores currently selling puppies in the county. Sunshine Puppies is one of the businesses grandfathered in.

CBEs, more commonly known as puppy mills, engage in systematic neglect and abuse of animals, leaving severe emotional and physical scars on the victims. One in four former breeding dogs have significant health problems, are more likely to suffer from aggression, and are psychologically and emotionally shut down, compulsively staring at nothing. 

Quite a few of the CBEs that supply Sunshine Puppies with puppies have had multiple USDA and state violations including: Cedar Ridge Kennels in Neodesha, Kansas (the owners could not locate the last recorded date for annual heartworm and fecal float testing for 236 dogs. In 2018, the owners surrendered more than 140 dogs to a shelter, many of whom were either ill or near death); Shady Grove Kennels in Kansas (62 adult dogs, 42 puppies; build up of dried dirt and feces on the raised dog crates); Sean’s Puppies in Missouri (breeding dogs and selling puppies without the required state license); Puppy Travelers in Missouri (multiple violations including 24 puppies seized from a Puppy Travelers transport vehicle outside a Petland store in Florida in 2018. The puppies were found with “urine, feces, and no water” in their cages. Many of the puppies were sick.)

Pinnacle Pet is connected to Puppy Travelers as a combination puppy broker/transporter. They are under the legal business name Sobrad, LLC and are associated with a number of different names, including Bateman Diversified and Northeast Transit, all listed under the same Neosho, Missouri address. Sobrad, LLC was cited by the USDA in 2015 for an incident involving puppies overheating on a transport vehicle. Nine puppies died.

Why would a shelter – in a geographic area of Florida where the municipal shelters are almost always at-capacity, in a state that is number four in the United States with the highest euthanasia numbers of healthy adoptable dogs – want to align themselves with entities known to be associated with the puppy mill business? Is it good business, or just good PR?

Martha Boden, CEO of the SPCA Tampa Bay, has spoken in front of city and county commissioners against the retail sales of puppies and kittens over the last 10 years. In 2022, after the Pinellas County Commission voted to prohibit any new stores from selling dogs and cats, Boden was quoted in a Tampa Bay Times article, noting that the abuse at large-scale breeding operations is well-documented and that retail stores help prop up that industry. “In fact these businesses are helping to create the demand for mass-produced puppies by misrepresenting what has happened to those animals, their parents and their siblings before they even arrived at the store,” Boden said in the Times’ article.

Why the change of heart?

The answers were presented to The New Barker  during a three-hour meeting recently with Martha Boden; Dan Cohn, the owner of Sunshine Puppies; Chris Fleming, the co-owner of Pinnacle Pet; and Missy Hurley of B2 Communications, the PR firm for the SPCA Tampa Bay. The following numbered points were discussed during the meeting to help justify the pilot program, For All Dogs, and the partnership between the three entities. My responses, for the purposes of this article, are in bold.

1) Florida will never pass statewide legislation to stop the sale of puppies and kittens in retail stores. “It just won’t happen,” said Boden. “For 20 years the animal advocates and puppy retail store owners have been on opposite sides, fighting. And the only ones suffering are the dogs. It’s time we work together to affect change – to really make a difference.” This was a combined quote between Cohn and Boden.

From the Editor: 10 years ago the industry would have said no state was going to ban the sale of puppies in pet stores. Now, seven have. There is no long term future in this puppy selling pet store business model. They’ve lost several of the biggest states in the nation and more are to come. Animal advocates are continuing to make a huge impact on puppy mills.
In January 2022, a bill was introduced in Florida, misleadingly presented as an animal protection bill. Florida House Bill 849/Senate Bill 994 contained meaningless regulations that would not protect animals, but would prevent local governments from enacting future ordinances to prevent the sale of puppies in their communities’ stores. The lobbyist who fought for the bills was funded, in large part, by Luis Marquez, president of Petland Florida and Petland Texas. The bill did not pass, thanks to a groundswell of support from animal advocates alerting their Representatives.
Prompted by community interest in shutting down the puppy mill pipeline, cities and counties across the country have adopted local laws to end the sale of dogs and cats in stores. Profitable and successful pet stores in the U.S. do not have to sell dogs and cats, and people are taking notice. More than 80 municipalities in Florida have passed ordinances banning the retail sale of puppies, kittens, dogs, and cats in pet stores.
Michigan just passed legislation to ban the retail sale of commercially-bred animals in pet stores, to take effect in 2025. The Oregon Legislature voted in August 2023 to stop any additional pet stores in the state from selling puppies or kittens and phase out these sales in existing stores.  The state of Washington passed a similar law in 2021. Illinois and New York in 2022. Maryland in 2020. California enacted a similar law in 2017.  Louisville, Kentucky just passed an ordinance to ban the sale of dogs and cats in pet stores and outdoor spaces like flea markets.
The passages of these laws nationwide have decreased the number of USDA licensed puppy mills by 1/3 with an average number of 87 adult dogs per kennel in 2012 and 57 in 2022.  Nebraska Department of Agriculture records show that half of the state’s commercial dog and cat breeders have left the business. 

2) Last year 9 million dogs were acquired by people. Of that number, less than 5% were purchased from a pet retail store. The numbers are so low that there is no way bringing in two or three dogs every so often through this chain will affect pet adoptions at SPCA Tampa Bay and Pinellas County Animal Services. Adoptions are still the number one way people acquire dogs.

3) Give the community what it wants and give them options. Through the partnership’s program, people can opt to purchase a purebred puppy or adopt a purebred retired breeder dog or imperfect puppy. People will now be able say, without shame or guilt, that they adopted their purebred puppy from the SPCA Tampa Bay.  “It’s a shame that people who purchase dogs feel guilty they didn’t adopt the dog,” said Fleming. “We’d like to help change that perception through this pilot program.”

Added Boden, “Nothing against the block-headed dogs, we love them just as much as anyone else. But bringing in dogs and puppies like Pomeranians, ShihTzus – you know – the dogs that the public really wants to adopt, will help bring more people to our shelter, and really that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?”

From the Editor: Actually, no it’s not what it’s all about. The underlying mission statement of private shelters is to protect the animals. Giving the public what you believe they want with options makes you a retail store. 

4) The results of  a recent study conducted by Purdue University are the basis for a nationwide certification program that establishes “rigorous standards for breeders.” Canine Care Certified will be a “blue ribbon standard” for the CBEs currently working with Pinnacle Pet, who has invited them all to participate. It is not a requirement, merely a suggestion from Pinnacle Pet. For a nominal annual fee, an independent contractor will inspect the CBE’s facility to make sure they are in compliance with the Purdue University checklist in order to receive the Canine Care Certification. Retail stores, like Sunshine Puppies, will then be able to market that their puppies come from breeders who have been Canine Care Certified – much like most retail stores have already been doing with the USDA.

From the Editor: When it comes to inspecting puppy mills, the USDA standards are pretty low, so efforts to raise the bar aren’t going to put a strain on the way a CBE runs its business. 

5) Pinnacle Pet, the puppy broker, created A Dog’s Dream, a 501(c)(3), to take in the retired breeder dogs and imperfect puppies, then transport them to SPCA Tampa Bay. The dogs will be transported across country in the same vehicles used to transport puppies to retail stores for inventory. Pinnacle Pet will be reimbursing the breeder for the cost of vaccines and standard veterinary care for a puppy. The breeders will not be compensated for turning over the retired breeder dogs to Pinnacle for adoption purposes. As per the SPCA Tampa Bay’s longstanding protocol, no special treatment will be given to the dogs and puppies that come in through A Dog’s Dream. In other words, their adoptability will not supplant the existing dogs in the shelter available for adoption. To date, only retired breeder dogs have been transported to the SPCA Tampa Bay for adoption.

From the Editor: Regarding transporting the dogs to SPCA Tampa Bay in the same vehicles that ship puppies to pet stores. The CDC said there are sanitation problems at every link of the chain in the commercial pet breeding industry. That is why pet store puppies are often sick. 

6) Currently, through the partnership, Sunshine Puppies is working with the SPCA Tampa Bay medical staff. SPCA Tampa Bay veterinarians visit Sunshine Puppies once a week to perform exams on the puppies. Any sick puppies are transported to SPCA Tampa Bay’s medical facilities to be treated. Regarding the kiosks Cohn wants to place in his stores, he said that some people who visit his stores may not be able to afford the price of the puppies in his inventory. Additionally, he said he has had people visiting who have asked about the availability of adoptable dogs. 

From the Editor: In the meeting, it felt as if the overall consensus for animal sheltering was “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” This felt similar to the initiative presented during the 2022 Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) national conference in Orlando. One of the conference’s speakers presented reasons for why shelters should consider either breeding their own puppies and/or at least working with breeders to supply puppies in their shelters. The idea was tabled, at least for the time being, after the information became public, and the rescue community and animal advocates became vocal against the movement.
Shelters – municipal or private – have no business getting into breeding dogs.  For that matter, neither do rescue groups.

7) Boden and staff flew out to Missouri to several CBE facilities with Pinnacle Pet. “The facilities were beautiful,” said Boden. “And we learned that they run their kennels very similar to the way we run our shelter.”

From the Editor: Was this the best use of shelter funds? Didn’t anyone on the board question this?  The SPCA Tampa Bay has capable staff and a budget to develop and create marketing campaigns to showcase its adoptable dogs and programs. They can continue to think outside the box with programs that partner with municipal shelters and rescue groups. And, if there comes a time that there are no more shelter dogs to adopt, then they should be prepared to have programs in place that will ensure families stay together.
In this regard, why did the SPCA Tampa Bay recently opt out of Pinellas County Animal Services low cost spay/neuter program? It was because they felt it was costing them too much money and interfered with their paying clients.  The voucher program is an important and much-needed community service that includes a partnership with Friends of Strays, Humane Society of Pinellas and Pet Pal Animal Shelter. 
Again, where are the board members on this initiative with Sunshine Puppies and Pinnacle Pet? It is somewhat understandable why employees and volunteers aren’t speaking up. The culture at many shelters has been “if you aren’t with us you’re against us.” Those who work and volunteer at shelters are being fired for saying something that doesn’t sit well with the administrative staff. Even board members are afraid to speak up for fear of being booted off the board. 
If this program rolls out, don’t be fooled by the way it is presented. The facts will be twisted in their favor. Don’t believe for a minute that the efforts animal advocates have made over the last 10 years at the legislative level aren’t making a difference. Don’t believe that it will only be two or three dogs, every once in awhile, and that municipal shelters like Pinellas County Animal Services won’t be affected. If no one speaks up against this initiative, it will become multiple dogs being imported from puppy mills. Once this pipeline is opened, how much damage will be done before it’s closed? 
A private shelter like the SPCA Tampa Bay is a business that can run its operations as it wants. It relies on the support and donations from the community and corporate business partners. Do you think this initiative and the shelter’s beliefs behind it align with yours? To effect change, the community must speak up. Ask questions. Put your thoughts and concerns in writing. And this is not conjecture. Pinellas County government is complicit with all of this, looking the other way, and allowing the importation of puppies sourced from puppy mills.
SPCA Tampa Bay, there are so many other opportunities in our community with which to form partnerships that would better benefit animal welfare.

Additional Facts: In August, nearly 270 at-risk dogs and cats were taken out of over-crowded Florida shelters and flown to shelters in New Jersey and New Hampshire. *Clear the Shelters and Greater Good Charities. Why are we importing any dogs from anywhere when this state is over-capacity? Outside of a natural disaster or emergency to assist neighboring states, we should be taking care of the animals on our own turf. While huge strides are being made to clear our Florida shelters, others are importing dogs from other states and countries.

Options? The community already has options. Here is an example: In June, Florida Little Dog Rescue in Osceola County was looking for foster homes for 14 Doodle puppies they obtained from Florida breeders from four different litters. The 14 puppies did not sell and the breeders did not want them, and that gets expensive for the breeder. “When you sell a puppy in the state of Florida, the law requires that you have to provide a health certificate,” said Laurie Johnson, director of Florida Little Dog Rescue. “Every four weeks in the state of Florida, you have to go and get that health certificate renewed if you’re selling puppies. So, if the puppies don’t sell immediately, it mean repeated trips back to the vet and that isn’t financially profitable for the breeder.”

In November 2021, the ASPCA assisted with the rescue of more than 500 hundred dogs from a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-licensed commercial dog breeding facility in Iowa. Breeder Daniel Gingerich was licensed by the USDA in 2019, but the agency didn’t inspect his facility until 2021. When the USDA finally did the inspection, they found many animals suffering: dogs hidden from inspectors, ongoing disease outbreaks like parvovirus and distemper, heat distress, lack of water and food, dead and dying dogs–over 200 violation of the Animal Welfare Act in total. Documents filed with the state of Florida show that nearly 40% of Florida’s puppy-selling stores imported dogs from Gingerich’s puppy mill in Iowa.

Small in Stature and Stout of Heart with Impeccable Manners

by Anna Cooke

Remember riding the merry-go-round, and the feelings you had as a child as it whirled around? There were the colorful lights and the bejeweled horses. The scenery in and around the ride coupled with the music felt surreal and enveloping. As the merry-go-round gained speed, reality collided with the imaginary. Nothing else mattered except that moment of being temporarily transported into another world. The scenery beyond the perimeters of the merry-go-round simply disappeared into one dreamy landscape of color, reminiscent now of Van Gogh’s Starry Night in the traveling exhibition, The Immersive Experience.

A few weeks ago, before it officially opened to the public, we were invited to attend a private showing of Lonely Dog, The Immersive Experience. Standing in the middle of a 360-degree cavernous theater in Orlando to take in the surround sounds and artistic visuals had a very similar effect to the childhood memory of the merry-go-round all those years ago. Through the power of technology, static artwork morphs into larger-than-life displays of movement, creating a participatory-like experience that is jaw-dropping.

Based on the paintings by New Zealand artist Ivan Clarke, and a novel he co-wrote with Stu Duval, Lonely Dog is the story of a troubadour, who sings his own songs of protest against oppression. Lonely has been bullied, run out of town by some bad cats, rejected, and hunted. All he really cares about is his music, the guitar on his back, and the love of his life. By the way, Lonely is a dog whose opposing thumbs make his guitar-picking legendary. Our protagonist goes from hound to hero in a heartbeat playing his Houndskiffle Blues, as it’s referred to in the story.

Clarke’s paintings of anthropomorphic dogs and cats have been animated to create a cast of characters, each with unique traits and foibles. The permanent exhibition transports its viewers into a stunning visual adventure on the life of Lonely Dog, “a misunderstood orphan who overcomes bullies to become a legend whose music heals a divided society of posh cats and working-class dogs in the fictional place of Alveridgea.”

Bringing Clarke’s vision to life was inspired by one simple black and white sketch of Lonely Dog, years ago spotted by one of the show’s producers. “When I saw that image of Lonely, I had to learn more about  the artist,” said Cliff Dew. “When I found out there was a novel, of course I had to read it, and could not put it down until I finished it.”

Rob Pearlman, who co-produced Lonely Dog alongside Dew, said Ivan Clarke was first inspired to paint Lonely Dog’s dream world when he left home for vacation. “He imagined what his own dog was doing in his absence,” said Pearlman.

Around 200 pieces of Clarke’s original artwork have been animated and projected across 35 projectors to create the Lonely Dog Immersive Experience. All set to an original soundtrack, parts of the 30-minute show are narrated by singer/songwriter Geoff Pearlman, who is Rob’s brother. Geoff also sings and plays guitar on the Lonely Dog soundtrack.

Four years in the making, production began a year before the pandemic and continued throughout the lockdown. About 185 people from around the world collaborated in the creative process and production. Thanks to technology, artists worked remotely on computers to create the CGI and 2D Animation. Communication was accomplished through the use of Zoom and Facetime. All in all, there are more than a million pixels of illumination in over a million frames of video, bringing this beloved story to life.

Lonely Dog Immersive Experience is a grown-up’s turn at the merry-go-round, a timeless memory to be shared by the entire family.  Orlando has a new attraction, dog lovers, and this one is unforgettable.

Official Trailer

In addition to the immersive experience, the ticket price includes:

An art gallery showcasing 40 pieces of artwork by Ivan Clarke.

Virtual Reality Lounge – Guests will fly alongside Lonely Dog on a journey that soars through the skies and dives into the depths of the sea.

Selfie Salon – Participants can snap a photo alongside a couple of Lonely Dog’s characters to share on social media.

Art Studio – Aspiring artists may leave behind their own works of art for display.

Music Lounge – Scheduled live entertainment by local area artists.

Merchandise – Main lobby is also a veritable array of sights to purchase for the dog, art and music lover.


Monday through Saturday: 11am – 9pm

Sunday: 11am-7pm

4900 International Drive, Orlando (an outparcel located on the property of Premium Outlets).

Ticket Price: $34.57 per person

Only trained service dogs are permitted.

To purchase tickets, call 844.566.3593 or visit

NOTE: $1 of every ticket sold will be donated to Happy Trails Animal Rescue and their Community Resource Center, a Central Florida 501c3.

#Orlando #Entertainment #DogLovers #OrlandoAttractions #PremiumOutlets #LonelyDog #Music #Art #ImmersiveExperience

Cleo, The Dog Who Loved Pelicans

by Bonnie Georgiadis

We were excited about getting 61 winged pelicans. They were to be displayed in a sanctuary along the Weeki Wachee River as an additional point of interest for patrons enjoying the Wilderness River Cruise at Weeki Wachee Springs. The Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary donated them to us because they were overcrowded with pelicans that could never be released back into the wild. A great deal of care was taken to select the right location for The Pelican Sanctuary. The existing steep slope was terraced, complete with gently sloping sand, ramps and tropical landscaping. An enormous shallow pool was constructed for swimming and a fence was added all the way around. A walk-in freezer and a tub for thawing fish was put in behind the scenes. It was quite a big deal to prepare for them.

Then came the grand opening. Ralph Heath, the ubiquitous founder of the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary, brought most of his staff and several trucks full of animal flight crates, loaded with one-winged pelican amputees. The seabirds were injured as a result of fishing line accidents, when fishermen would cut their line if it became fouled in the branches of mangrove islands. The line would wrap around a bird’s wing (not only pelicans). Unable to fly, they would hang there until either someone found them or they starved to death. So these birds arriving at Weeki Wachee were the lucky ones. They all marched, or I should say waddled, single file down to their swimming pool. About half of them kept right on going past the pool and waddled up to the fence along the river, climbed up the chicken wire which was attached to the split rail fencing and jumped into the river. The current in the river is pretty strong. The pelicans paddled as fast as they could with their webbed feet but couldn’t make any headway against it.

We all dashed for our cars, rushed back to the attraction (about a mile away) to get the work boat and some long handled catch nets. Meanwhile the maintenance men added another rail to the fence to make it taller. What a day that was. Scoop up a pelican, rush back to the pen, put birds into the pen and hurry back to get another one.

The office was getting phone calls from residents eight miles down-river about pelicans floating by. At the end of the ordeal we took a beak count and there were still 61 of them. Whew.

A few months passed and the Bird Department was becoming accustomed to the routine of going down to the pen every afternoon, thawing 80 pounds of thread herring and hand-tossing them to the pelicans. We hand-fed them so we could study their physical condition. They were fed 80 pounds during the summer months, and double that amount in the winter. They were hungrier when it was cold. The type of fish we fed them would change with the seasons, based on whatever smallish fish was available in the marketplace.

Our troubles began on a freezing January night. The natural predators of pelicans (raccoons, opossums, et al), saw their appetites also increase with the cooler weather, and our birds were easy prey. They couldn’t fly or get up high as a normal pelican would. They were nesting on the ground and couldn’t defend themselves. The captain of the first Wilderness River Cruise of the day, called me and reported that he saw a dead pelican in the pen. I found the bird partially eaten. Three days later another one was killed the same way. We had an electric hot wire installed around the fence but the raccoon or opossum, whichever it was, would dig under the exclosure.

At the time, we were practicing wild bird rehabilitation for birds of prey at the attraction. When we received any water birds, a local farmer was brought in to shuttle them down river to the Seabird Sanctuary. On one of my visits to his farm, I drove into the farmyard and was horrified to see dead birds and pieces of dead birds scattered about the yard. The farmer told me that they usually had two large dogs on guard, but a week earlier one of the dogs had disappeared. Last night, the remaining dog, still despondent over the loss of his friend, and shaking from the bitter cold outside, was allowed to come inside for comfort. The predator or predators struck. There were chickens and ducks, geese, a peacock and a turkey. All torn apart. It’s not Disney World out here. Some critters just kill for fun.

As I drove away I kept thinking, everything was all right until the dogs were gone. A dog! That’s what we needed at the pelican pen. I was lucky there was already an existing ten foot high chain link fence encircling the outer perimeter of the smaller fenced pelican area.

And I had the dog. Gretchen, a Doberman Pinscher, was a trained guard dog. Except the night watchman said she was afraid of noises and when he gave the command, “Go search” she wouldn’t leave his side. But that didn’t matter. It’s the scent of a dog that would keep the predators away.

It worked. All was quiet for many months until Gretchen dug in under The Sanctuary fence and chased the pelicans. She didn’t harm any of them. They injured themselves trying to get away from her. One drowned in the pool during the stampede. If Gretchen got in once, she’d do it again. It was too enticing. I had to find her another home and get a new dog.

Fortunately, one of the girls in the Bird Department, Dana Proger, was looking for a home for Cleo, a Pit Bull mix. I’d heard about the reputation of Pit Bulls, but this dog always looked like she was smiling, and I needed a dog bad. I decided to give her a trial run. Lucky dog, lucky me, lucky pelicans. Cleo had found her calling.

The boat captains would notify me when Cleo was barking. She only barked when she had a reason. She would bark at anything that wasn’t a pelican. She barked at vultures if they perched too close to the pen. She barked if a great blue heron sat on a fence post. One time she barked so frantically I was called to go find out what was wrong. She met me at the gate and insisted I follow her. She went down to the outskirts of the pen, then ran back to me, back and forth. I followed her to the area and there was a pelican wedged with one wing under the fence, the other stub of a wing jammed under an exposed root. I never would have found her there. Cleo was licking that stub of a wing…that’s all she could reach. When I got the bird loose, Cleo walked along with me, licking the pelican’s feet as I carried the bird back to the entrance of the pen.

Another time a gentleman walked up to me at The Birds Of Prey Show Stadium and said, “I just got off the boat ride. Is there supposed to be a dog in the pelican pen?” I said, “Inside the pelican pen?”

When I got there, all appeared to be normal. The birds were waddling around in the pen and swimming in their pool. There was no sign of panic as there had been when Gretchen got in. They were not upset at all. And there was Cleo, laying down with her front paws crossed just inside the pen’s gate, gazing at her adored pelicans. I repaired the place where she had squeezed inside and she never tried to get in again.

There were no predator problems as long as we had Cleo present, but we did have a snake problem. One was eating pelican eggs. I tried setting a trap that was small enough for a snake to enter but it couldn’t exit if it had swallowed an egg. Then put a couple of chicken eggs inside. Never caught the snake. Then I found out why. The snake was too big to enter the trap.

Again, one of the boat captains alerted me that Cleo was barking. She greeted me at the gate and was more excited than usual. I noticed she had some blood on her sides and on her face. She circled toward a big clump of grass and back to me so I followed her. As I neared the tall grass I saw the head of a large snake rise above the grass to look around, then disappear back down. I examined Cleo’s face and saw two fang marks. I immediately put her in my truck and drove her back to the attraction office.

When I called the veterinarian he said to observe her for awhile and see if there was any reaction to the venom. Luckily she showed no signs of anything wrong, so I left her there and went back to the pen to see about the snake. By this time the snake was dead. It was a very large cotton mouthed moccasin. It’s midsection was perforated by Cleo’s teeth. The dog had whipped her head back and forth so violently that the snake’s innards were protruding from its mouth. That’s why Cleo had blood on her flanks.It was the snake’s blood.

That afternoon I skinned the snake to keep proof of how big it was. And proof of what a wonderful dog Cleo was. Don’t ever say anything derogatory to me about Pit Bulls. Cleo loved people, and would do anything to protect her pelicans. She was one treasure of a dog.

Cleo with Bonnie Georgiadis, supervisor of the Bird Department at Weeki Wachee Springs. Photo by Olie Stonerook, February 1987.


by Anna Cooke

Recently, we visited Citrus County Animal Services and met with Operations Supervisor Colleen Yarbrough, Citrus County Foundation for Animal Protection President Wanda Moak, Citrus County Board of County Commissioner Ruthie Davis Schlabach, and Citrus County Public Information Officer Veronica Kampschroer. The main focus of our discussions was the need for a new shelter. Then, we took a tour.

Money does not get a new shelter built. People do. Supporters, volunteers, staff and animal advocates who live in and around Citrus County are moving forward with a capital campaign. They are advocating loudly for a new building to replace the old, outdated and dilapidated one that has housed Citrus County Animal Services for more than 40 years. Not everyone is on board with the new shelter movement, even though it’s been a hot topic among county leaders, county commissioners and campaigning politicians for the last 20 years.

Years ago, around the time Citrus County Animal Services’ shelter was built, public animal shelter buildings were designed with the idea that a high percentage of dogs and cats taken in would be killed. Under such circumstances, the thinking was that the health and comfort of the animals was not a concern since they would not be in the shelter for long. Back then, efficiency was more important in shelter design than concern for the animals.

In Citrus County, there are some who feel the existing shelter is just fine the way it is. However, the way it is includes animals exposed to the elements (heat, cold, rain), cramped quarters for the animals and staff, a rotting roof, no designated areas to quarantine animals to keep the sick ones away from healthy ones, and a poor drainage system. There is more. If you are a resident of Citrus County, and you’ve never been to your municipal shelter, you should pay a visit. It will be eye-opening.

For instance, before animals are brought in from an impending cruelty case, Citrus County Animal Services staff and volunteers must immediately start creating makeshift quarantine areas. They build temporary kennels and move animals, equipment, supplies, and staff to accommodate the additional intake.
Providing a good customer experience in the existing building is difficult. There is only one entrance for the public to use. Imagine someone enters the shelter to
consider adopting a pet, while passing someone else exiting in tears after having their pet humanely euthanized. Two completely different experiences that occur often at the same time.

On campus, inside or outside, staff members and volunteers have no place to go to decompress. Kennel fatigue is real and these quiet areas are necessities, not
luxuries, to ensure the health and well-being of staff and volunteers. Building a new shelter is just as much about taking care of the humans who work and volunteer there as it is about caring for the animals. Educational and enrichment programs for children, like the reading programs found at so many shelters, are non-existent here. These are fundamental to teaching kids, among other things, the importance of responsible pet ownership. As it stands now, how can parents be encouraged to bring their child to an unsafe and unhealthy environment?

New shelters offer lots of natural light, entry areas that welcome the public, frequent air exchange, more space per animal, colony housing for cats away from dogs, and noise control. There are good reasons for
providing these basic amenities.

Right now, Citrus County Animal Services is a facility that is unsafe and unsanitary for humans and animals.

At least seventy percent of the community’s voters have expressed support for a new shelter. They have already raised more than one million dollars without the help of a big fundraising event to kick off a capital
campaign drive.

We have to wonder whether the other 30 percent, who are so against a new shelter, have ever visited Citrus County Animal Services? Do they even know what staff does to keep their community safe? And, are they aware of how encumbered staff are, doing their jobs in an outdated facility? Perhaps they don’t know that a municipal shelter’s first priority is to protect the public. Maybe they don’t realize the breadth of services the shelter is providing for the health, safety and well-being of the community.

Citrus County Animal Services, the only open-admission shelter serving Citrus County, takes in approximately 5,000 animals a year, regardless of capacity or reason for surrender. In spite of the limited space and resources, the shelter does not euthanize for space.

Since 2019, the shelter staff and volunteers have increased lifesaving measures to achieve a live release rate of more than 90% for cats and dogs. They have developed good working relationships with area rescue groups and other shelters as well as their local animal advocacy groups to make sure the adoptable dogs and cats receive the public exposure they need to increase adoptions.

Citrus County Foundation for Animal Protection (CCFAP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that partners with the shelter to help increase adoptions and ensure the well-being of the shelter’s animals. They have raised funds to help cover certain medical care for shelter animals, including low cost spay/neuter procedures and microchip programs, and purchase medical equipment.

Shelter staff members are encouraged to take additional steps to help reunite a stray dog with their humans. This has been a godsend in an area that has a large older population, many of whom may not have access to computers and the internet to report and/or look for their lost pets.

Additionally, the shelter will hold onto a pet whose owner may be temporarily incapacitated. Those who are hospitalized, working through mental challenges and/or incarcerated can receive some assistance with their pets’ care. The mindset is to keep families together.

The shelter also manages eight pet food pantries around the county as part of the Community Food Bank of Citrus County for pet parents struggling to feed their pets.

“General capacity for our shelter is about 68 dogs and roughly 30 cats,” said Colleen Yarbrough, Director of Citrus County Animal Services. The shelter consistently sees numbers way beyond capacity. Overcrowding is not as a result of owner-surrenders, but more from animals confiscated during cruelty investigations, which appears to be on the rise. In a recent instance, the shelter took in 51 dogs just from one case.

After animals are confiscated as part of a cruelty case, they are often held at the shelter as evidence throughout the investigation. This puts an additional burden on an already overcrowded shelter. In another case, last year, officers
confiscated 43 dogs, three chickens and one pig – all in one investigation. The result was makeshift kennels and shelter animals living in the conference and break rooms. Climate-controlled storage units were added outside to house the overflow of animals. In the last 12 months alone, more than 200 animals have come through the shelter as a result of cruelty cases.

The public may not realize another service the shelter provides. Full forensic exams are conducted by shelter staff as part of ongoing cruelty investigations to help in building cases for successful outcomes.

While the expense to build a shelter without a veterinary medical suite may decrease the initial budget, it is important to look at the long term savings when those services remain in-house. Outsourcing veterinary medical needs has become a costly endeavor, and those costs continue to rise. Not to mention the level of care an on-site veterinary clinic would provide.

This staff is doing amazing work even with the lack of resources. Oftentimes, the place looks like a M.A.S.H. unit on the frontlines of a war zone. When a dog was brought to the shelter with three inches of bone exposed on her leg, staff did skin grafts and anything else that was needed to make sure her leg was saved.

Last year, veterinary students from Puerto Rico visited the shelter through a Maddie’s Fund program. The visiting students were able to experience how an outdated shelter with limited resources is able to function. Think about that. According to the Sato Project, there are an estimated 500,000 stray dogs roaming Puerto Rico’s streets and beaches with no access to food, fresh water or veterinary care. The drastically-strained municipal shelter system, which includes five shelters across all 78 of the island’s municipalities, has a combined euthanasia rate of more than 94%. Those veterinary students from Puerto Rico were sent to Citrus County Animal Services because of its poor condition in order to be better prepared to work within their own
limited environs.

Until we level the playing field between our municipal shelters and the public, we will continue to see a rise in unenforceable cruelty cases such as unattended chained dogs and dogs living in boxes outdoors. We cannot expect the public to provide better than the minimum care when it comes to space, shelter, food, and water for their pets when that minimum is all our municipal shelters have to legally provide the animals under their care.

The New Barker

Continuing to repair an outdated and dilapidated facility will only end up costing the citizens more – and that’s not only in money, but time, resources, and ultimately the lives of animals. It is not sustainable to keep running with such an old building. Animal management policies are essential to creating and sustaining humane communities. These policies should balance public health and safety with animal welfare needs.

Historically, municipal shelters have had it particularly tough when it comes to generating positive foot traffic. They’re competing with private shelters for adoptions and donations. Bringing a municipal shelter up to the 21st
century in terms of building, equipment and processes is paramount to remaining a viable community resource.

Marketing is key here. Educating the community with a clear message would be helpful. Inviting high-profile business leaders for a tour of the current shelter is an obvious first step. From a community standpoint, one cannot have a true appreciation of what their municipal shelter is doing until it is experienced firsthand.

“When people visit us for the first time, they leave surprised and amazed at the work we are doing with such limited resources,” said Yarbrough.

Shelter animals deserve safe, humane housing while they wait for placement. A new shelter building can be the capstone of a community’s continuing efforts to remain No Kill. Having amenities such as modern bathrooms and a kitchen are not luxuries, they are necessities. Give the hard-working staff and volunteers the tools to make their jobs easier and safer so they can focus their energy on the animals instead of shoring up a dilapidated building.

As the mission of animal shelters has changed, so too has their design needs. Today, new shelters are designed with the purpose of having animals leave the shelter alive, healthy and happy through the front door versus being
quietly euthanized and taken out the back door.

In A Year of So Many Whys and What Ifs, Someone Said, Why Not?

by Anna Cooke

The heart is going to do what the heart is going to do, and one woman’s broken heart led her on a round trip journey of almost 3,000 miles to adopt a senior dog. When Laura Rehbein’s beloved dog Myra suddenly and tragically died, she was inconsolable. “Myra was imperfectly perfect,” said Laura, tearing up easily from the still-fresh hole in her heart. “She was a senior dog who came into my life four years ago. The small but mighty dog stole my heart from the moment I saw a picture of her.”

Rehbein was actually in the research process of adopting another senior dog as a companion for Myra when she unexpectedly died. “Myra was the pack leader without a pack,” Rehbein told us. In shock, Rehbein temporarily abandoned the idea of adopting another dog. “But, my house felt so empty. I have had a dog since I was twelve years old, and suddenly, I realized, I didn’t know what to do without a dog by my side,” Rehbein told us during a recent meeting at her Tampa office.

She soon resumed her search for another adoptable senior dog and came across an Apple Head Chihuahua at Dolly’s Legacy Animal Rescue in Lincoln, Nebraska. He ended up at the shelter after his human, with whom he had lived for years as a constant companion, died. A volunteer for Dolly’s Legacy pulled the dog, along with three other dogs, all of whom were found inside the home with the deceased.

Rehbein, who lives and works in the Tampa Bay area and has fostered for local rescue groups including Rugaz Rescue, put in her adoption application.  “I just saw that face looking back at me through the posted photos, and knew. But, in reality, he was so far away,” said Rehbein. “If it was meant to be…”

Within four hours of sending in her application, Rehbein received an email saying she had been approved to adopt the dog named Half Pint. She responded to the rescue group’s email remarking how fast their approval process had been. Their response to Rehbein was, “What can we say? We spoke with your veterinarian, and what she had to say about you convinced us you would be perfect for Half Pint.”

Rachele Walter, a volunteer for Dolly’s Legacy and Half Pint’s foster mom said, “We do vet checks on all potential adopters. If we find a good match, we will adopt across state lines as long as the adopter is willing to travel here to pick up the dog. We don’t do transports.”

After a Zoom call to meet Half Pint and speak with Rachele, Rehbein began making plans for her journey to Nebraska. She would fly into Omaha, where Rachele would meet and greet her with the dog, then she and Half Pint would return to Tampa, all in less than 24 hours. “No hotels. Just up and back. I knew that I would be pooped, but it would be one day, without having to miss work,” said Rehbein. She used her saved miles for the airfare, and her only out of pocket was for the pet fee on the return flights home.

From start to finish, the entire process including planning and traveling, took five days. Not for a moment did Rehbein have second thoughts. “I knew that if I didn’t do it now, it was never going to happen, especially with the holidays,” Rehbein added.

Friends followed Rehbein’s clandestine sojourn on her Facebook page. She only hinted at what she might be doing until revealing her secret through a video of Rachelle delivering Half Pint to her at the airport. Once home, a friend helped give Half Pint his new name, Levi, which is Hebrew and means united or “joined in harmony.”

“It came to me that every time I lose a dog, they take a piece of my heart with them. And, every new dog who comes into my life gifts me a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are.”

Author unknown

Rehbein (shown above with Levi) admits she has a soft spot for older dogs and Chihuahuas. Levi is 10, and she likes to say that he’s come to Florida to retire. “He will live his best life, riding in a convertible to go to the beach, coming to work with me or dining out,” said Rehbein. “I know some people will think, ‘how can she adopt a senior dog knowing he may may not be around for long?’ Well, we’re all going to die. We cannot control that outcome. Who knows how long Levi will be with me. Maybe eight years? Maybe two. However long, this well-mannered, chilled senior dog will now have the best years of his life. Levi came into my life at this moment for a reason,” said Rehbein.

About Dolly’s Legacy Animal Rescue: Dolly was rescued at age 11 by Kerri Kelly from a terribly neglectful environment along with 11 additional Pekingese. They were all ‘show breeders’ and had champion bloodlines and trophies. Sadly, the breeder stopped caring for them and placed them in crates in a furnace room where they lived 24 hours a day. When rescued, they had burns on their bellies from laying in their own waste, ulcerations on their eyes causing some of them to be blinded, and severe matting of their coats that was pulling on their skin. Kerri immediately bonded with Dolly and knew the sassy Peke was meant to be hers. Dolly lived for just 2-1/2 more years. Dolly’s Legacy Animal Rescue was founded by Kerri Kelly on what would have been Dolly’s 14th birthday, August 9th, 2013. Your donations will continue to help this all-volunteer rescue group’s efforts.

Some Things Bear Repeating

By Anna Cooke

In recent conversations with fellow dog lovers, we’ve discovered many are not aware that certain frogs, palm tree nuts, and blue-green algae are dangerous and potentially deadly to our dogs. While we’ve written about these subjects before, we thought there’s no time like the present to repeat ourselves.

Every year, during the summer, we’re faced with these dangers in the great outdoors, even in our own backyards. Sometimes the descriptions are so gross and creepy, it’s any wonder we ever step outside with our dogs. In reality, we’ve been living with these potential dangers for years. Our dogs may have gotten into and/or tangled with one of these, and faced death without our ever knowing what happened. As pet parents, we are becoming more aware of our surroundings, subsequently preventing our dogs from being poisoned or worse.

1) Bufo or Cane Toad –  This is a large, nonnative amphibian, poisonous to most animals that try to bite them. Let’s just call them giant ugly frogs, okay? Cane toads are reddish-brown to grayish-brown with a light-yellow or beige belly and can be uniform in color or have darker markings around the body. They have enlarged glands behind the eyes, which angle downward onto the shoulders. The glands secrete a potent milky-white toxin (bufotoxin) as defense against predators including domestic pets.

If your dog bites or swallows a cane toad, she can become sick and die in as little as 15 minutes without proper treatment. Symptoms may include frantic or disoriented behavior, brick red gums, seizures, and foaming at the mouth. If you see these symptoms, follow these steps:Wash toxins forward out of mouth using a hose for ten minutes being careful not to direct water down the throat.

Click here to listen to what a cane toad sounds like. You’ve most likely heard the sound in your backyard or during your evening walks with your dogs.

2) Sago Palms and Their Seeds – On September 14, it will have been a year since Shorty’s untimely death as a result of ingesting a sago seed (sometimes referred to as a nut or date). “It’s been my mission to bring awareness on the simple things like a sago palm seed that could kill our dogs,” said Marsha Droste, Shorty’s mom. Marsha and her husband Ed were walking their two Frenchies, Pete and Shorty, in their neighborhood, where sago palms are part of the landscape. They had no idea of the toxicity of the sago seed. Within two days of rushing Shorty to a critical care emergency veterinary hospital, Shorty was gone.

Shorty Droste prior to his untimely death from ingesting a toxic sabal palm seed.

Dr. Tina Wisner, a veterinary toxicologist with the ASPCA said that since 2017, calls to their national poison hotline about sago cases have shot up 79%. The seeds contain something similar to cyanide. It’s not just the seeds that are toxic either. The entire sago palm plant is also toxic. A single sago palm seed can kill a medium-sized dog. Gastrointestinal signs include hypersalivation (drooling), abdominal pain, reduced appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. Signs of liver damage also include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and reduced appetite, as well as increased drinking and urination, dehydration, lethargy, weakness, jaundice (yellow cast to the skin, mucous membranes and whites of the eyes) and ascites (fluid in the abdomen).

There is neither a specific test nor a specific antidote for sago palm toxicity. Lab work, with elevated liver values, low protein, low blood glucose, anemia and evidence of reduced clotting, may not show changes for 24–48 hours after sago palm ingestion. If sago palm ingestion is suspected, it is important to take your cat or dog to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible, rather than waiting for clinical signs to develop. Treatment for sago palm ingestion focuses on decontamination and supportive care and medications to reduce the effects of liver damage.

The prognosis for dogs or cats that eat sago plant parts depends on the amount of toxin ingested by body weight and how quickly treatment is instituted. Smaller dogs and cats are more severely affected compared with larger animals that ingest the same amount of plant parts. The sago palm toxins are concentrated in the nuts or seeds and just 1–2 seeds can be fatal to a medium-sized dog. Reports of survival rates from sago palm ingestion vary, with one study of dogs that ingested sago palm parts reporting a 50% mortality rate.

3) Blue-green algae – In August 2019, we posted a warning on The New Barker social media pages from two pet parents who lost their three dogs to blue-green algae poisoning in just a matter of hours. The post was shared 8,500 times. Through their grief, Melissa Martin and J Denise Mintz shared their story.

“If you search ‘blue-green algae,’ you see pictures of nasty water,” said Melissa. “That is false! The place our dogs played for their last time was crystal clear except for what appeared to be debris from foliage. Do not let your dogs near standing water. Our Westies didn’t even get in the water, but played in the mud at the edge.”

Shortly after returning home from their walk, and playing in the pond, Abby began seizing, followed by Izzy. All three dogs were rushed to the veterinarian. Abby and Izzy, the two Westies, were struggling to breathe and continued seizing. “We decided to let them go together peacefully. In the process, Harpo started to go downhill,” said Melissa.The family was advised that Harpo was suffering from liver failure and internal bleeding. “I talked to Harpo and asked him to let me know,” said Melissa. “He did. I held him and told him how awesome he was, and reminded him of all the lives he touched. Then we let him go.”

Abby, Harpo and Izzy before their untimely passing from ingesting toxic blue-green algae

Later this week, we’ll give you some information on Leptospirosis and salt water toxicity in dogs. This information is not meant to scare you into not doing anything with your dogs. We simply want our fellow dog lovers to be aware of your surroundings. Many of you already know about the potential for alligators in almost any body of water, and to stay clear from the lake and river banks. We are aware of the increase in coyote sightings within our neighborhoods.

The more we’re outdoors exploring our surroundings, the opportunities for our dogs to get into something they shouldn’t increase. Keep your eyes and ears open. Also, know the closest emergency or urgent veterinary care facility near you. Have their numbers handy. And, here’s a good link to keep in your cell phone: the Pet Poison Helpline. The ASPCA also has a free mobile app for animal poison control. Check out the overview on this link. NOTE: Neither of these links will ever replace the expertise of a veterinarian.

When Worlds Collide

by Tina K. VaLant

So, I was toughing it out at my first back-to-the-real-world of work, two weeks covering an international junior golf tournament at Trump National Doral.

Tina, toughing it out at Trump National Doral with her favorite reading material.

I have served as the official photographer for The Optimist Junior Golf tournament for over ten years. It was cancelled last year, so I was really HAPPY to be back, in the swing of things (pun intended).

Delighted to be at this beautiful resort, I always enjoy being outside covering golf, capturing the game, players, families and volunteers. But, I was really missing my (five rescued) dogs. Only one dog was at grandma’s (my mom). Everyone else was home with their dad (the hubs). As I was heading back up to my suite, to upload pics of the day’s golfers, the elevator opened, and out walked this large, happy reddish dog –– right into me. He had to have known I was missing my pack.

Dooku is an eight-month-old Rhodesian ridgeback, and the “third son” of the Van Winden family of Houston, Texas. I chatted with René, the dad for a few moments, commenting on his dog’s handsomeness and great personality. He was named for a character in Star Wars. The next day, I see my canine friend again, but this time with his lovely mom, Rebecca. It turns out their oldest son, Bo is in the tournament. Talk about serendipity. When worlds collide.

While Bo braved the Blue Monster course, with dad and brother Wade cheering him on, Rebecca and Dooku went on a little road trip. They traveled two hours north to West Palm Beach, to the Jupiter-Tequesta Dog Club’s Show. It was their first show, and they came back with ribbons: Best of Breed, Owner-Handled and Best of Winners.

You meet the nicest people through dogs. Of course, they went home with their own copy of The New Barker. ###

About the author: Before she became an international expert on all things butterfly, Tina was rescuing dogs, and anything else that needed help. She has been a contributor to The New Barker for 13 years, as a photographer and rover reporter, traveling the state to cover all things dog. Tina is shown here with Piper, one of the many dogs she has met along the way.

A Fur-Giving Gift Guide

Have you hit a roadblock on your holiday shopping gift list? Maybe you’re stuck on what to give a friend for Christmas. Well, if your friend has a dog, you’re in luck with suggestions from our Fur-giving Gift List. We’d also like to remind you that every one of the following businesses supports animal causes by donating food, money, time, and/or their services to various charities. Now, more than ever, they need our support and continued business.

Our friends at Cartoon Collections have a unique gift idea from their Customizable Cartoon collection, like this classic by Harry Bliss. Black gloss framed and matted 12×12 starting at $150. Click here to view the available prints and to order.

Customizable cartoon prints from Cartoon Collections.


Dog Lovers Tarpon Springs is celebrating with their 25 Days of Christmas sale. From treats to toys; accessories to supplements, they have everything for the discerning dog lover. Free curbside and delivery service available. Call for assistance and suggestions: 727.934.8756.

Stocking stuffer dog treats for your dogs? Find them at Dog Lovers Tarpon.

Dade City’s Dog-Mania & Cats store greeters Cole and Lilly will be happy to help you shop for your favorite fur-friend. The store also has gift items that can be personalized with engraving. Give them a call at 352.467.9622.

Be sure to say hello to Cole and Lilly, Dog-Mania & Cats store greeters.

Emerson’s Studio Store is tucked away in a cool cottage on Anna Maria Island’s Pine Avenue. Just walking through the doors of this place will put a smile on your face. Fun art pieces from aprons to cocktail napkins; t-shirts, hats and notecards; even hand-painted customized furniture. All for the fun at heart.

At Emerson’s Studio Store be prepared to laugh. Emerson will most likely start laughing with you.

A fun place for people-wear is South Tampa’s Imagine That Boutique. Owner Cheri Hudson and her staff will offer expert assistance, service and gift-wrapping. They have a fun selection of tees and tanks just for the dog lover on your list. Be sure to treat yourself to one as well.

The tees and tanks at Imagine That Boutique are oh-so-soft.

One Lucky Dog Boutique & Grooming continues to stock up on some of the most unique items for dogs and dog lovers. Their eye for quality and trendsetting design is exceptional. You have to check out their lines of collars, harnesses and leashes. We always say, a dog cannot have too many collars.

One Lucky Dog Boutique in St. Pete offers a wide array of beautiful collars.

You could give the gift of health for the dog of the dog-lover on your gift list. Take bone broth from Pawsitively Pure Dog Food. Perfectly packaged and shipped right to the recipient’s door, bone broth is one of the most healing foods we can feed our pets. We also love their Pure Paw Balm, by the way. This Florida-based company knows what they’re doing when it comes to the health and well-being of our dogs.

The paw balm is very soothing on human hands and feet as well (we know).

Pet Food Warehouse carries the fun shirt and accessory line, Teddy the Dog Apparel. Hoodies, classic long-sleeve and short-sleeve tees with funny quotes and illustrations. Pet Food Warehouse is also having a 20% off sale on Christmas toys, collars, harnesses and leashes. Shopping options include online, curbside or free delivery. Give them a call at 727.521.6191.

Make somebody’s day with a tee from Teddy, available at Pet Food Warehouse.

Shop Nature’s Food Patch in Clearwater and Dunedin for specials on pet food, treats, supplements, and supplies. Gift certificates are available too. A fun stocking stuffer idea: sign a friend up for a free Patch Perks membership card.

Sign somebody up for a free Patch Perks membership card. Cool stocking stuffer idea.

Another healthy gift-giving idea comes from Nature’s Pet Herbals. If you’re confused by all of the different CBD products for pets on the market, check them out, and even give them a call with your questions at 406.578.HEMP (4367). We’ve successfully used this product for our dogs’ anxiety during short or long car rides.

Nature’s Pet Herbals CBD line of products.

The Doggie Bag Boutique in Lakeland is an all-round fun store for every dog lover. No matter where you live, a trip here should be part of your shopping bucket list. They even have a section of brand new dog-themed children’s books. This store recently helped The New Barker secure a year’s worth of dog food for a gentleman in Polk County struggling, economically, to take care of his three small dogs. His dogs are his life. A special thank you to NutriSource Pet Foods.

What more can we say? We have the best advertising partners in the world.

Have you shopped at The Doggie Bag Boutique in Lakeland?

Dog Star, Be The Light

In this new year, let us all find ways to be the bright spot for someone else.

by Kerry Kriseman, for The New Barker

The tiny 10-week-old black Labrador puppy nuzzled my ear with knife-like baby teeth while her sweet puppy breath erased the scent of my Coco Chanel Mademoiselle perfume. Her mission the day we met Christie was to snuggle and be held, like any baby. Her life’s mission was to lead. It’s what she was born to do.

As I held her like a baby, with her pointy head resting over my left shoulder and her arms folded into my chest, I thought about her destiny. We didn’t name her. In their grief, our friends donated money to name her Christie to honor their 16-year-old niece who died from injuries sustained in a car accident. She had been an elite swimmer, and beloved daughter, sister, and friend. She was a leader among her peers, the kind of friend who responded to texts in the middle of the night when her friends were sad. She was compassionate and kind. 

Our Christie had big shoes to fill. For the next year, we loved her and trained her, hoping she would join the elite corps of Southeastern Guide Dogs that are matched with visually impaired individuals. She was to be ours for just a year before she returned to Southeastern Guide Dogs’ 23-acre campus in Palmetto, Fla., for her next phase of training. 

Christie was the seventh pup our family raised for Southeastern. She made us feel like we were the best raisers. As Mary Poppins said about herself: “She was practically perfect in every way.” Stay off the furniture? Check. Sit politely at the door before entering or exiting? Check. Stay when told? Check. Training Christie was effortless.

Every one of the roughly 60 commands she learned was for one purpose: to be someone’s eyes in a world that had gone dark. 

Sometimes, we are lucky enough to hear from the people who receive our dogs. They are resilience personified in an unkind world that robbed them of their vision. They describe their lives before blindness, how they lost their sight, what led them to get a guide dog. These dogs change lives even before they leave campus with their new forever friend. 

After Christie came home with us, I read about Christie the swimmer and how she impacted others’ lives through her altruism. Our Christie would someday to be the light in someone’s dark world. We were sure of it. 

Everyone says that returning the pup to Southeastern for advanced training is like taking your firstborn to college. What it really feels like is ripping a Band-Aid off the hairiest part of your arm. We wince, cry, and mourn. That was tough, but the news that Christie had torn her ACL and would need surgery, was worse. Her destiny was forever changed. She had to find a new purpose, just like the people whose vision is stolen from them. 

When I learned that Christie would not become a guidebecause of her injury, we jumped at the chance to adopt her. We loved having her as a forever family member, but we knew she needed a mission. While Southeastern designated her an Ambassador, which meant she might be called upon to appear at events to promote the organization’s mission,I wanted to do more with this pup who was still eager to learn and serve. I completed an easy course through Alliance of Therapy Dogs so that Christie could become a certified therapy dog. An application, background screening and interview at a park was all it took for Christie to become certified. 

To heal from her injuries, Christie had to be resilient.  And because of Covid-19, we too have had to be resilient. It has challenged all of us to adapt, adjust, learn, and heal. Itderailed our plans to visit hospitals and nursing homes this year, but it elevated the vital work of our frontline workers. They care for the sickest patients, many of whom suffer alone in hospitals because of the deadly virus. They put themselves first in dangerous situations.They are resilient. Day after day.

Christie and Kerry Kriseman

As a community, we must do what we can to honor these workers. The Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg hosts Frontline Workers First Friday each month, in gratitude for the selfless work first responders perform. Christie and I will be at the Museum this Friday, Dec. 4, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., to greet and thank frontline workers. 

Animals, especially dogs, teach us more about resilience than any self-help book or Google search. Like the people Christie was born to serve, her destiny was changed the moment she took a wrong step while playing with her kennel mates. My dream for her was quashed. But we can always find a job to do, a way to be of service that helps others. 

In this new year, let us all find ways to be the bright spot for someone else, to shine the light when days are dark, and remain resilient in a world that never stops surprising us.

About Kerry: She is a communications professional in the non-profit arts industry. The Florida native lives in St. Petersburg, FL with her husband, City of St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman, their two children, Jordan and Samuel, their two dogs, Christie and Jake, and their current puppy from Southeastern Guide Dogs, Hannah.

Stand Up and Cheer for the Underdog

How does a television show about animal rescue go from concept to completion? We interviewed two-time Academy Award-winning documentarian Bill Guttentag on the making of THAT ANIMAL RESCUE SHOW.

by Anna Cooke for The New Barker Dog Magazine

The entertainment industry has always been aware of the positive effect animals have on people. Some iconic movie examples include classics like Old YellerBambi and My Dog Skip, and remakes of The Call Of The Wild and Black Beauty.

The human-animal bond is a mutually beneficial and dynamic relationship, positively influencing the health and well-being of both. In the docuseries, That Animal Rescue Show, the healing power of animals is the common thread in every species of animal showcased across all 10 episodes.

From Richard Linklater—the five-time Oscar-nominated filmmaker behind Boyhood and School of Rock—and two-time Academy Award–winning documentarian Bill Guttentag, this heart-tugging series tracks the animal rescue community in and around Linklater’s hometown of Austin, Texas. 

The subject matter and gentle tone of That Animal Rescue Show are a bit of a departure for Guttentag’s body of work, which includes Twin Towers, Nanking, and The Last Days of Kennedy and King. He told the Hollywood Reporter, “I think when you see people rescuing animals and animals rescuing people, it’s still meaningful. It’s part of our relationship with the natural world. And in this time, when people are encroaching on animals more than ever, I think we should be focusing on our relationship with them. Animals are extremely therapeutic. They’re important and they literally change people’s lives.”

Bill Guttentag and his dog Pingo. Photo credit: Marina Brodskaya.

We recently had the pleasure of speaking with Bill Guttentag via a video conference meeting. The beauty of this technology is that it allows us to see one another; to capture emotions as we speak to people across the country. Bill always had a subtle, gentle smile on his face and a sparkle in his eyes as he spoke about the animals in his latest project.

Anna: How does a concept go from light-bulb-over-the-head to a 10-part series about animal rescue?

Bill: A mutual friend introduced me to Rick Linklater. Rick has a pet pig named Dood, whom he adopted from Central Texas Pig Rescue. I thought, this is a real interesting world here, this world of pig adoption. Among other things, I learned about the whole issue around micro pigs, which is a myth. People think pigs stay small. Over a number of weeks, as Rick and I continued to talk, it became clear what an interesting place Central Texas Pig Rescue is, which we cover in episodes two and three in our series. 

But, there is a bigger world out there beyond pig rescue.  The series is more about how animals are rescuing people and people are rescuing animals. That’s where the human-animal bound is most profound.

Take Austin Pets Alive. The woman who runs it, Ellen Jefferson, came up through the ranks working at traditional animal shelters, where animals came into the shelter for a couple of days and then were euthanized for space. Ellen looked at the situation and wondered, why should it be this way? She became instrumental in creating Austin Pets Alive, now one of the largest no kill shelters in the country. Through their efforts, Austin Pets Alive has managed to save between 80,000 and 90,000 dogs and cats since 2008. And, their message is spreading across the country.

Anna: There is an obvious inspirational component to the series, which will hopefully motivate more people to become involved with rescue.

Bill: I think that stories like these really do inspire people, and give us hope. Another episode, Paws In Prison, is about women inmates who take in dogs from shelters. Most of the dogs have likely been scheduled to be euthanized. The inmates train and care for the dogs to make them adoptable. Right before your eyes, you see how the dogs are saving these women while the women work to save the dogs. It’s a really wonderful reciprocal relationship.

Pictured: Inmates and Catherine Laria of The Paws in Prison Program at the Lockhart Texas Correctional Facility on the CBS All Access docuseries THAT ANIMAL RESCUE SHOW. Photo Cr: CBS 2020 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Anna: Referring to that old W.C. Fields quote, “Never work with children or animals in film” did you have any doubts about creating a show around animals?

Bill: The beauty of working with animals is that they don’t take direction. Animals are very spontaneous and are going to do what they’re going to do. We were always surprised in good ways. We tried to capture them in the way that kept it all very authentic. You know, in filmmaking, you don’t really want people looking direct into the camera lens. But with animals, the whole idea is to see them at their level. So, we put the camera very low to the ground where you’re seeing the animal eye-to-eye. It was a little challenging for the camera person, especially when we were working with a small to medium size dog. But, it really looked good. It helped that everyone who worked on the series really loves animals.

Incidentally, most of the people who worked on the show are women and the main characters in the show are women. It’s a legitimate issue that people say there aren’t enough women in television. Well, here is a show that features women both in front of and behind the camera.

Anna: As you started researching stories, I’m sure you quickly realized the proliferation of inspirational stories about animals. How did you manage to narrow the subjects down for the series?

Bill: Yes, there are so many more stories. Rick said something to us which I thought was just great. He wanted to come up with 10 little documentaries that could all make it into Sundance Film Festival on their own. So, we narrowed the list down to the most compelling stories; the ones that really touched us – like more heart than head in a lot of ways. We were looking for a diversity of animals as well. We have a couple of episodes on pigs, a few on dogs. Cats factor into the show. We have a coyote episode and a goat episode. We have a couple of episodes on horses. We were looking for variety, in the same way that we didn’t want to do the entire series on pig rescue, we didn’t want to do an entire series on dog rescue. Although, my dog would have happily watched each episode on dogs. 

Rick and I just thought it would be interesting that every episode the audience tuned into would feature a different animal. And, hopefully for the viewer, they’re all compelling stories.

Anna: What’s the take away you hope to have conveyed to the audience? 

Bill: I hope people will connect with the show. There are a lot of pet owners in this country. But, that’s not reason enough to convince people to watch the show. We still, as filmmakers, have to deliver an emotional story in order to connect with our audience. One of the gratifying things about doing this series, is what I’m hearing from from people who are crazy about their dogs and people who don’t currently have pets. They have all told me that, while watching the series, they were able to really connect with our storytelling. So, I think there is something very profound about our relationships with dogs and cats and all animals, really. 

Anna: To get the idea off the ground and find support, how was it presented?

Bill: The entertainment industry is a combination of art and commerce. And, the art of it all is, ‘hey, this would be a pretty good series.’ Then, the question is, who’s going to do it? It turned out CBS All Access wanted to do it, which is a great home for the series. That connection came through our friend Julia Eisenman, who had a deal with CBS All Access and her production company. 

Once you say you’re going to do it, it’s like a startup in a way. You have this idea and you have someone backing you, but, you still have to deliver the product, in this case, the shows.

Anna: The entire series takes place in Central Texas, primarily Austin, completed in large part before the pandemic hit.

Bill: That’s right. We also used a lot of folks from Austin. There is a lot of Austin music in the show. I think around a hundred songs performed by Austin musicians. Again, we wanted to keep it authentic. I think too often a lot of people focus on the coasts for stories, as if the coasts are only places where things are happening. Austin is an enormously popular destination city and it’s not from coincidence. There’s a really rich culture, including Austin’s big music scene. There’s fantastic food. And, there are a lot of people who love and rescue animals. It was nice to be in a city like Austin to be filming. It’s a first rate city, and a first rate city to film in.

Anna: The show has an educational component as well.

Bill: Yes, and it’s presented in a warm, genuine way for a great experience. You’ll learn about the world of no kill shelters. You’ll learn about programs that help physically disabled children learn how to walk with the help of horses. You’ll learn that wildlife rescue is a growing phenomenon. You know, there was a time when people would swerve while driving to hit an animal on the road. Now, they pull over to rescue an injured animal. There are places like Austin Wildlife Rescue that rescue all manner of wildlife – whether it’s a hawk or a turtle or a coyote.

Anna: We’re finding our empathy in rescuing all manner of animals. There are more people who want to help rescue animals, but they aren’t aware of the resources available to help guide them.

Bill: We developed a website that correlates with the show that has more information. Where to take sick or injured wildlife for instance, and how to become a volunteer. ( The site has links to all of the rescue organizations featured in the series. It also has a way for people to look up local organizations by typing in their zip codes. 

Anna: Was there one thing that really struck you as moving, while filming the series or in editing?

Bill: In our first show, we feature a puppy without paws. We filmed the dog being fitted for prosthetics at the veterinary hospital. It was tough for this dog to adjust. The dog’s human companions were the most caring people, doing everything they could for the dog. With the prosthetics on, she was being encouraged to walk by a group of little girls. When the dog starts running and the girls start cheering, it’s just a beautiful moment.  Completely real. Completely authentic. It’s touching to see kids and animals interact. And, let me tell you, once you see the dog running with the prosthetics, it’s pretty clear that this dog is going to be okay.

Anna: In other episodes in the series, physically challenged children are encouraged by an animal’s resolve to overcome its own challenges.

Bill: Yes, that’s absolutely right. In our first episode, we meet Jamie Wallace. She and her family have a farm called Safe In Austin. There is a scene of a little boy who uses a walker with wheels. He encounters a dog in a wheelchair. There is something that really connects the two of them. Here’s a dog relying on wheels to get around, and here’s a little boy that gets around with the help of wheels. It’s quite touching, and very real. 

Ace and Francis meet for the first time in an episode of THAT ANIMAL RESCUE SHOW on CBS All Access.

Bill: You know, there are a lot of television shows presenting fake reality. Our show is real reality. Nayeema Raza, who is an executive producer on the show, has said that this show is so different in terms of tone from a lot of what we’re reading and consuming now. 

“So much of the content we’re consuming right now is about differences. I think this is really a show about the universal elements of humanity. There’s something equalizing when you know a story is real, and for us, there’s something equalizing when you see a human and animal rescue each other.”

Nayeema Raza

Anna: Everybody has a dog story. How about yours?

Bill: I have a three-year-old Labradoodle named Pingo. His name is derived from the Portuguese word for macchiato, which I’ve been known to enjoy, every now and then.

You know, like a lot of people in the world of COVID, I’m spending a lot more time in my home office. My life is definitely richer for having a dog sleeping at my feet while I work. Or, going out on walks with him on a regular schedule. I’m hearing similar stories from friends and associates. One of Pingo’s most endearing traits (I don’t know if all Labradoodles do this) is the way he sort of flops his paw over my arm when he’s sitting down.

All of this time at home has been great for the dogs, but I wonder if they’re going to be disappointed when we all head back to work, away from home. On the other hand, I’ll have had the experience all these months of spending extra time with him. I’ve never heard anyone complain about having to spend more time with their dog. 

These are unusual times, and this goes back to the show. None of us has ever lived through something like this. As a result, there is stress everywhere – in the political world, in the medical world, and just stress in general. I’d like to think we’ve created a show that is a bit of a balm for people; an escape from the stress and all of the anger. I hope the audience will be able to take a step back and see that this is a show about people and animals, and the profound relationships we have with each other. ###

Note: Guttentag directed the Paws In Prison episode, which was accepted by Sundance Film Festival. That episode was bound for the festival in Telluride when it was canceled due to COVID-19. 

Watch the trailer for That Animal Rescue Show here. 

Hear what Dr. Phil McGraw has to say about That Animal Rescue Show here.

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